the butterfly
As love falls down from the sky,
It lands on the wings of a butterfly.
The butterfly sings it's songs and rhymes,
And flies through the air, No concept of time.
It is the messenger of patience and change,
From flower to flower, it's odd and it's strange.
The butterfly can transform it's world.
And give way to new beginnings, unfurled,
It is the keeper of transformation,
And flies on faith and imagination.
The butterfly as no fear of change,
It bravely escapes it's homemade cage.
To change, it knows is necessary,
For all the burdens we need not carry.
The butterfly soars, and merrily sings,
For, without change, it could never grow wings.
break silence
Friday, April 20, 2007
-11:08 PM
everyone has their own unique personality
how do u judge if that person has a good or bad one?
it comes back to the "lock & key" theory
only keys that could fit your lock will click with u, effortlessly
they can share all secrets and laugh ur silly jokes
there are countless 'keys' n 'locks' out there...
therefore, learn to
forgo on those who doesn't appreciate u, and
hold on to the ones loving u
Thursday, April 12, 2007
-10:47 PM
lAteLy oN my wAy hoMe... dEspite haVin tHe eAr pHones On.. iT wAs stiLL aUdiBle wheN da uNcLe cHants "DuRain dUrian llai...dUriAn DuRian llAii.." nOt suRe iF uNcle'S mArKetiN sTraTegy iS bEing eFFectiVe or is iT my OWN craVing, i wEnt tO bUy soMe.. n gUess wOd, whIle hE waS bUsy pIcking dUrians, i NearLy beCame hAndiCappEd! He dRopped a DURIAN!! gOsh i sKippeD aWay in Time.. elSe i wiLL sTab hIm wiTh dUrian THORNS. (lessOn leArnt: kEep a sAfe diStaNce aWay frOm dUrian uNcle)
hEng, tHey wEre yUmmmy...swEet sWeeT duRians aRe e bEst, bItter oNes sux..
bUt iT's iRRitaTin whEn da sMell oF da fRuit liNgers oN my HanDs.. nO mAttEr how mAny tImes i wAsh tHem fOr rEst oF e dAy..
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
-12:21 PM
hola i'm back...M.I.A is my middle name. haha let's jus say i'm not a devoted blogger.
been pretty busy last month, heh workload has been reduced now...since my colleague L (not the one from DeatNote) is back from her 3 mth MC. hmm i'm not be unkind here but just hoped she had another century of MC because
her NAGGING power didn't seem to subside!! why does she have to repeat every darn thing 999999999999999 times?? anybody's tolerance will hit da max after listening to it f0r 2 yrs.
if she has used more of her head than her mouth, this world would be a better place.
even covering her duties seemed more bearable now. bish***characters are not named to protect the innocence.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
-9:47 AM
HaPpY BirThday to MeSelf!
=) =) =) =) =) =)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
-10:08 AM
it's MARCH already.. sho fast.. but it's ok, this is my favourite month, especially on day 8. heh..
i like the no. 21..we all used to have a no. to represent us back then, waha thats silly becos we were not some sport player and the no. didn't bring me much luck actually.
when u are 16 u feel happy becos u won't be restricted to solely "PGs". NC 16 means so much.
when it comes to 18 u feel pretty becos ppl around u start to say u have changed. but not realising that u are still, frivolous.
now that it is so close to 21, it's hello adulthood. haf to face poppin problems, heavy responsibilities n fight wrinkles!..despite that, i'm still excited for the adventures ahead, n the fact that i can haf a share in R21 movies.
vouchers from RSH (royal sporting hse), G2000, swatch, raoul or even a hair curler will be nice ;) i'm looking for effective cellulite cream too.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
-11:44 AM
oh my!
i managed to personalise my blogskin.. tis is so fun. ;)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
-12:25 PM
Sidney Sheldon has died at the age of 89~~damn, he is one of my favourite author..but ye noe wad, i jus found out that he is actually a "HE" and not a "SHE". Look at the name, it is so feminine, and sounds young. I have been misled for so long..dumb.